patent Valuation of patents and inventions

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Valuation of patents and inventions

A patent is a document given to the owner upon the registration of a new product or a new process that improves a product. This document gives an exclusive right to the owner to exploit its invention for 20 years.

The valuation of a patent usually refers not to the document itself but to the intellectual property rights which this patent protects.

Nowadays the following types of valuation are in demand more frequently:

  • various inventions;
  •  utility models;
  •  design inventions;
  •  selective achievements.

If you need to evaluate a patent or a license, our company can professionally carry out a valuation of any complexity for such purposes:

  • for the introduction to the authorized capital of the enterprise
  •  for the attraction of the investors;
  •  for the assignment of intellectual property rights, the sale;
  •  for the rent.

The cost of the valuation depends on the complexity of the work and the valuation aim. You can get a preliminary consultation by filling out the form below or by phone.